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Showing posts from October, 2018

Necromunda: Anarchy Road Pt.I

One of the coolest things about Necromunda is a hobbyist's ability to convert, create, and build new miniatures, terrain, and customizations to the gangs fighting in the Underhive.  Any true hobbyist fill find all sorts of new ideas and methods to create some unique projects for this gaming system. One of the things I really wanted to add was vehicles - fueling my Post-Apocalyptic/ Mad Max inspired fever dreams.  As of today, I embark on the first step of that journey.  I present to you the latest additions to my Necromunda Collection. Necromunda:  Anarchy Road Below are some of the vehicles that I've completed so far. The Magus Limo Up first is the notorious "Magus Limo" the vehicle made popular by early Genestealer Cults miniatures from the 80's and 90's of Warhammer 40,000.  I just used a simple 1/42 scale toy care and painted it up as a rusted and weathered Limo for the Darkest Millennium.   The Tetanus Wagon Next is the Tetanus Wa

The Kill Team Chronicles: It is done!

It has been a long road; dusty, dirty, grimy, filled with acrylics and paint filled brush water. And now, it is done. Behold, the newly painted 10 Kill Teams for our upcoming Warhammer 40,000:  Kill Team Campaign series "The Kill Team Chronicles".  And they are assembled below: And with that, I bid thee farewell and good night.  I need a cold drink, a hearty meal, and a good night's sleep.  Catch you on the flip side!