Here are the final shots of my latest addition to my Undead Army, my Terrorgheist. His name is Wolkhar the Beast of Blutwald (Blood Forest, in German). I plan on using this miniature as a monster of my Undead Army. For Warhammer Fantasy Battle I plan on using this miniature as a Terrorgheist. For Age of Sigmar as a Mournghul. And for other games as whatever monstrous creature that I want.
Wolkhar, the Beast of Blutwald in all his Gory Glory |
I put this miniature together from bits and pieces from an old Rakarth of Karond Kar miniature. This was a Dark Elf Lord on Black Dragon miniature from the 4th Edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle:
This is what the dragon miniature originally looked like, so awesome! |
Unfortunately, the original owner lost about 1/2 of the model. The rider, saddle throne, right wing, and neck of the miniature was missing. As you can see from the following shot, I had to adjust and convert to solve this. The original owner didn't appreciate the awesomeness of this miniature - but his loss was my gain.
Right Hand Shot, showing off the missing bits |
I glued the top of the head to the shoulders, and then green stuffed some tentacles erupting from the monster's mouth and shoulder with the missing wing. I think glued and fitted some spare spines from an old Chaos Spawn kit to make the mouth more fanged.
The miracle of Green Stuff and Conversion Work |
In the end, it made the miniature look like this deformed monstrosity with a massive gaping maw, which made it look real interesting and unique. My initial idea was to go for a "White Walker Undead Dragon from Game of Thrones" look. I then painted up the miniature with a flat white primer and used layers of Guilliman Blue and Coelia Green Shade to create the ghostly blue pallor of the monster.
Some oil wash and Blood for the Blood God go a long way! |
I then covered the miniature in some Minwax Mission Oak colored Polyshade for a quick wash method. After it dried, I sprayed with matte varnish and then added copious amounts of Blood for the Blood God for the tentacles, mouth, and fangs.
Top side! |
I then based the model with sand, painted the base with dark gray and dry brushed with lighter gray, and then added flocking. I am extremely satisfied with how the miniature came out, and I'm looking forward to using it in an up coming battle report.
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