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Rise of the Red Faction - Necromunda Genestealer Cult Gang

Back in May, 2001, an awesome video game hit the shelves called "Red Faction".  It was the first title I purchased for my Playstation 2, and I really loved this game.  It had everything:  awesome graphics, unique gameplay, an original story; the works.  

But quality I loved about this game the most was the "ambience" or the feeling you had while playing it.  There was this real subversive quality to the setting, that even though everything was supposed to be normal - there was something inherently wrong with the world your character lived in.  From the propaganda posters and graffiti on the walls, to the announcements heard over the intercoms, and all the way to the preternatural/ alien hybrid of nano-technology affecting the miners, it really registered with me emotionally.  

So when the time came to add a new gang to my channel's Necromunda:  Underhive Wars Series, I knew exactly what gang I needed to add:  Genestealer Cults!

With our Peach Trees Turf War almost concluded, a few more of my friends wanted to join in on the Turf War.  My friend Screamo the Emo wanted to play a Genestealer Cult gang, and since I do the painting in my group, I was reminded about good 'ol Red Faction and ambience the game contained.  

I wanted to capture the same inhumane, eldritch horror vibe Red Faction had.  And as a fan of HP Lovecraft, especially the short story "Shadow Over Innsmouth"; I knew exactly what kind of look I wanted this gang to have.  

According to the lore from Warhammer 40,000, the Genestealer Cults are made up of the working class members of Imperial Society, primarily miners.  They grow in strength and influence until eventually they rise up to overthrow the government and society.  So when I saw their clothing and equipment, and how it related to mining, I decided to combine HP Lovecraftian Eldritch Horror and Red Faction aesthetics to create this gang.  I colored the flesh purple, to denote the mutation within their genes due to Genestealer influences.  

I painted up their hazmats suits in shades of black and grey to reflect the utilitarian aspect of their clothing.  As an accent color, I used turquoise and aquamarine for the alien mutations - a connection to HP Lovecraft.  I wanted the purple and turquoise color to represent something aquatic about them, like the Deep Ones from "Shadow Over Innsmouth"

I think used bright red as an accent color to the sashes and robes, to represent the connection to the Red Faction.  Like these proletariates were rising up against the government, uniting all of the workers and miners into a Communist like revolution.  I finally used bright hazard yellow for their weapons casing, to make it look like construction and mining equipment.  

In the end, I love the new look of this gang, loving called The Red Faction.  I feel I did a nice job combining elements from the video game, the HP Lovecraft short story, and Necromunda vibe on this gang.  It's a small gang for now, but I'm excited to see how my buddy Screamo the Emo uses them in the coming campaign.  


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