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The Kill Team Chronicles: 75% Completed!

The Kill Team Chronicles: 75% Completed!

We are back with another edition to our Blog, this time were are going to discuss the updates and additions to our Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team series: The Kill Team Chronicles. Last time, we showcased half of our Kill Teams that have been completed. Now its time to showcase the latest Kill Teams that have been completed. 

The Wild Hunt
Dark Angels Space Marines

Up first, we have the Wild Hunt, our studio's Dark Angels Space Marine Kill Team. If you recognize these miniatures, its because they're from the Dark Vengeance starter box for Warhammer 40,000 7thEdition. I am always surprised how quickly I can paint Space Marines, regardless of the type. They are very simple army to paint up and I can imagine why they are so popular with hobbyists. I cranked this squad out in 2 hours. The longest time I spent on them was letting the models cure after I oil washed them. 

Waaaghpokeylipz Now!
Orks Kill Team

By far, our most colorful and dramatic looking Kill Team. This Kill Team was cobbled together from several box sets: left over Nobs Squad box set we used for conversions for Necromundan Scalies, left over Gretchin for conversions of Necromundan Scavvies, and a box of Burna Boyz from the Kill Team series of collections. We went with a hazard yellow for unifying color and a lot of metals to make it look like this kill team cobbled together their weapons and equipment from looting and scavenging. I really love the Mad Max Fury Road look of their bases, and these look extremely awesome!

Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn
Astra Militarum Kill Team Leader

I decided to paint up Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn as the leader for my personal kill team, The Suicide Squad. As I paint, I listen to a lot of Black Library audio books to help pass the time. I listened toXenosby: Dan Abnett, and I quickly became a fan of the character and the novel series. I bought this miniature when it was released for the anniversary of Magos, the latest in the series, because I wanted to use it for Warhammer 40,000 Battle Reports. But as I got into Kill Team, I realized I wanted this particular model to lead my Kill Team. 

The Suicide Squad
Astra Militarum Kill Squad

And thus I present to you, my new Suicide Squad. It will play as an Astra Militarum Kill Squad, and Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn will just be a vanilla leader of it. But narratively, the concept is that Eisenhorn arrived to Necromunda for a critical mission. Due to circumstances, he needed recruits and help to carry out his mission. Being resourceful, he went to Precinct 13, the local Adeptus Arbities Enforcers Precinct House looking for help. Unfortunately the only person he found was a singular Enforcer and a jail house full of arrested Necromundan Gangers, Scummers, Pit Slaves, Scavvies, and Ratskins. So, Eisenhorn pressed them into service and uses them to achieve his mission. In exchange, all the criminals will receive pardons if they survive. The roster is as follows:

  • Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn – Leader
  • Judge Darko – Adeptus Arbities Enforcer, Comms
  • King Slender – Scavvy, Guardsman
  • Red Cap Killer – Summer, Guardsman
  • The Saracen – Bounty Hunter, Guardsman
  • Two-Bob – Pit Slave, Guardsman
  • Red Harvest – Ratskin, Guardsman
  • Blitzkrieg Bob – Goliath, Special Weapons, Demolitions Expert – Grenade Launcher
  • Wesley – Delaque, Special Weapons – Sniper Rifle
  • No-Face – Orlock, Special Weapons – Flamer
  • Chopper – Van Saar, Special Weapons – Melta Gun
  • Johnny – Cawdor, Special Weapons – Plasma Gun
  • One Shot Blonde – Escher, Special Weapons, Sniper – Sniper Rifle

The Aphotic Blade
Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Kill Team

Finally, we have the Aphotic Blade our Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Kill Team. The Aphotic Blade was painted up like Deathwatch Veterans. I love the lore about the Black Legion, Chaos Space Marines who leave their former Legions to join the Black Legion. When they join, they forsake their old allegiances and paint their armor into black and gold to reflect this. I decided to paint the left shoulder pads different colors to represent the old legions they used to be members of. We have the following represented here:

  • Leader – Former Sons of Horus
  • Heavy Bolter – Former World Eater
  • Melta Gun – Former Death Guard
  • Marine – Former Iron Warrior
  • Marine – Former Emperor's Children
  • Marine – Former Alpha Legion

So, with that we are about 75% finished with the painting of our kill teams for our new series. We project finishing all of the Kill Teams by the end of the month. We still have to paint up the following: 

  • Dark Eldar
  • Tyranids: Genestealers
  • Death Guard
  • Space Wolves Reivers – This is a new one, another friend of mine wants to join in too. 

We will keep you posted on all the latest updates! We will catch you on the flip side, stay classy!


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