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The Kill Team Chronicles: In the Beginning...

In the beginning, my original plan for my channel was to include a series of Warhammer 40,000 Battle Reports.  My friends and I never really played 40k before, although we were very aware of it, mainly sticking to Fantasy Battle.

Then in 2015, the world of Warhammer imploded with the release of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, changing the entire landscape and nature of miniatures war gaming for Games Workshop products...

So when Warhammer 40,000 went through the same change with 8th edition in 2017, my friends and I gave it a go.

Hence, the Longest War was born.

The Longest War is our channel's Warhammer 40,000 Battle Reports.  So far, we've had a blast fighting against the dark corners of the Imperium.  The only problem that I am facing is that only a handful of my friends like to play this game.  Because of this, our selection of armies to fight is pretty limited.  

But then, came Kill Team!

Concentrating primarily on Squad based combat between different factions, this skirmish game features fast paced battles, a campaign system, and roleplaying like aspects.  This game looked very promising to my friends and I, especially with how much fun we have making Necromunda Battle Reports.  

Because of the low initial cost of entry into this game,  more of my gaming group wants to play Warhammer 40,000:  Kill Team.  And thus we are now engaging into new territory, the possibility of a new series on my channel.  

I humbly present:  The Kill Team Chronicles

Up to this point, the Kill Team Chronicles was an offshoot of our Hobby Side videos, where we recorded the progress made on our studio's Death Watch Army.  But as many more of my friends want to play this game (and because the title sounds so freaking cool), we're going to change focus and use this for our new Kill Team Battle Reports.  

As always, we're just starting the pre-production of this new series.  Already we have players willing to play, with Kill Teams being organized and a campaign being created to play them with.  So far, we have the following Kill Teams:
  • Dark Angels
  • Death Guard
  • Thousand Sons
  • Deathwatch
  • Black Legion
  • Genestealer Cults
  • Ultramarines
  • Crimson Slaughter
  • Astra Militarum
  • Tempestus Scions
Right now we're painting them up and getting them ready for the new series.  As always, to keep up to date on our hobby, check us out here on, Facebook, and Instagram!  Until the next one, peace out!


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