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A Storm of Chaos is Rising...

It's no secret, that when it comes to the Fantasy Worlds of Warhammer, I prefer the older Warhammer Fantasy Battle gaming system over Age of Sigmar.

I've been playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle since the mid 90's when I first got started into the hobby.  I was enamored with the lore, the setting, the models, the armies, the terrain; every aspect of the hobby drew me.

As for the gaming itself, and its almost encyclopedic depth of rules and tables, I love to this very day. Don't get me wrong, there are good and bad elements to any miniature war game.  There are rules and game mechanics of Warhammer Fantasy Battle which are not as good as Age of Sigmar.  The same could be the said the other way around.

But I was given a choice between the two gaming systems:  I will always default to Warhammer Fantasy Battle, hands down.

Which brings us the current age of Games Workshop and Citadel miniatures coming out for the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe.  The new models coming are out beautiful, well designed, and look absolutely spectacular when fully painted.

But even then, I still look for ways to use the newer Age of Sigmar Models and to bring them back into the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battle.  This is no more evident than in my latest project:  Khorne and Nurgle Chaos Armies!!!!

Khorne Cares Not from Whence the Blood Flows, only that it Flows...

So the first handful of units I started to piece together are regiments from my upcoming Blades of Khorne army.  The nice thing about this army is that I can use it for both Warhammer Fantasy Battle as well as Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

And as the old adage goes:  Khorne cares not from whence the minis flow, only that they flow :)

My First Khorne Blood Bound Unit

The first unit on deck is a massive unit of 25 Khorne Warriors.  I plan to run these miniatures as Chaos Chosen for Fantasy Battle and Blood Warriors for Age of Sigmar.  The new Blood Warriors are absolutely beautiful, so full of character and detail.  As you can see, a majority of the unit is from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter box from nearly two years ago.  I filled the unit in with some Khorne Berzerkers from Warhammer 40,000 that I had lying around.  

An Overhead Shot of the unit, I had to use different sized bases to fully round out the unit.

Warhammer 40,000 is an awesome game, but if I can do some quick conversion work with spare bits and bobs from leftover Warriors of Chaos kits, then so be it.  As I said before, I will always default to Fantasy Battle.  I love how aggressive and unhinged this unit looks, as if its a massive Mosh-Pit of destruction just trying to make it the enemy.  

35 Blood Reavers/ Chaos Warriors of Khorne/Chaos Marauders

Next up is a huge unit of 35 more fighters for the upcoming army.  I can run this unit as Blood Reavers for Age of Sigmar.  I can also run this unit as Chaos Warriors or Marauders, depending on the need for the various battles.  The Blood Reavers so full of character and have an amazing design scheme to them.  

Once again, I use different sized bases to round the unit out

I plan on using the Khorgorath as a Chaos Spawn or as the special character Scyla Angrimmfin for Fantasy Battle, which would be amazing.  

Down with the Sickness...

Finally, we have my Daemons of Nurgle.  Most of these army was put together from Warhammer Age of Sigmar Blightwar and Daemons of Nurgle Starter box.  This project has been on the back burner for some time, but now it's time to get back the sicker side of Warhammer

Most of the Army is based coated, we just applied sand and glue to base them

The most progress made so far has been adding sand and glue/water mixture to the bases, prepping them for painting.  Its going to take at least a day for the glue to finally dry on these, but when they're finished, I'll start magnetizing them for future painting.  

Close up the Bases

As I mentioned before, I purchase Age of Sigmar miniatures for Warhammer fantasy battle, hence the square 25mm bases.  The only problem is that square bases are slowly becoming harder to come by.  I need to stock up for the inevitable end, but I'm still hopeful that Warhammer Fantasy Battle will still go strong in the coming years ahead.  

Ah, nostalgia...

Oh, how I long for those halcyon days of yesterday's years when Warhammer Fantasy Battle still existed amongst gaming communities by large.  Many saw only the flaws of the 8th edition of the game.  Sadly, when I rediscovered Warhammer Fantasy Battle in its 8th and final age, it was beginning its swift decline to the End Times and the launching of the Age of Sigmar universe.  It was such a familiar setting and the rules and composition was very similar to the rules I was used to as a kid just getting into it.  

Luckily, my friends and I still play Fantasy Battle.  And there are many times where I wish I could just focus on this game alone (Along Side Necromunda), but to remain static and inflexible is the way to failure.  So I must find a way to reconcile the two.  

And as always, the work continues, and the work never ends...  


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