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Necromunda: Road Wars Campaign Rules Part 3


Territories in the Ash Wastes are altered a little from the Underhive. All gangs have one territory called the Wastelands Territory at gang creation. This territory is always in the Gang's Possession and they can never lose it. Whenever you captured a new piece of territory, roll on the Ash Waste Territory Table to determine what it is. Once the territory's identity is identified, it remains until the end of the campaign.
It should be noted, that no territories offer Enhanced Boons to any gang in this campaign. The reason why is because no one holds sway over the Ash Wastes... No one...
Ash Waste Territory Table
D66 Roll
Chem Pit: The Ash Wastes are full of chemical pits. In addition, if the result is doubles (same on both dice) then the amount collected is cut in half and a randomly chosen fighter immediately gains the ‘Grievous Injury’ serious injury.
Old Ruins: Your gang controls an area that is constantly shifting and exposing minerals, salvageable materials, and junk at the whim of the Ash Waste storms.
Mineral Outcropping: Your gang controls an area that is rich in minerals that can be sold. In addition, you may elect to work this territory for 3D6 x 10 credits. If you elect to do this and the any two of the three dice match each other (i.e. 4, 4, and 6) then the minerals have run out and this territory reverts to an Old Ruins.
Shanty: Your gang controls a shantytown. Your gang is either the enforcers for the local corrupt government or your gang just lives there from time to time. In addition, if this territory is worked you may also roll 2D6 and add them together. If the result is 5 or less, then the fighter sent to work the territory also brings in a ‘free’ Juve with a knife and respirator. If your gang does not have anything that is a Juve then you earn an additional D6x5 credits.
Settlement: Your gang controls a large shanty town that is truly a settlement. Your gang is either the enforcers for the local corrupt government or your gang just lives there from time to time. In addition, if this territory is worked you may also roll 2D6 and add them together. If the result is 5 or less, then the fighter sent to work the territory also brings in a ‘free’ Juve with a knife and respirator. If the result was a 2 then the ‘free’ fighter is a Ganger with a knife and respirator. If your gang does not have anything that is a Juve then you earn an additional D6x5 credits. If your gang does not have anything that is a Ganger, then you earn an additional D6x10 credits.
Mine Workings: Per Necromunda Rulebook
Farm: Your gang controls a farm that is luckily hidden from view and from most of the dangers of the Ash Storms. The farm grows food, brews water, and herds animals.
Water Still: Your gang controls a water still out in the Ash Wastes. Your gang gets a cut of the profits and since water is a high-priced item, you can get a lot.
Mechanic’s Shed: Your gang controls a small shed that your fighters use to fix equipment, specifically vehicles. You can gain the listed income, or you may pay all the maintenance on your gang’s vehicles.
Ash Waste Territory Table
D66 Roll
Drinking Hole: That is right, your gang controls a bar in a shanty.
Holestead: Your gang controls a holestead.
Power Tap: Your gang controls a power tap to a large area. Your gang has learned how to siphon off the power and sell it.
Hive Dump: Your gang controls an area around the hive bottom. Your gang has learned to sift through the trash, debris, and general filth to gain salvageable parts.
Workshop: Per Necromunda Rulebook
Crash Site: Your gang controls and old crash site. You have learned to cover up what you do not take so others cannot find it. You sell a piece here and there to make sure the find lasts, hopefully. In addition, if either dice is a ‘6’ you roll an additional 2D6 x 10 credits and add those credits to your income as well; however, if the second set of 2D6 rolled are doubles the find is discovered and this territory reverts to an Old Ruins.
Healer: Your gang controls an area that has an old hermit who claims to be a healer living in it. He helps the sick and poor, oh wait, that is everyone. In addition, you may bring up to one fighter per post-game sequence to the healer. You must pay 50 credits then roll a D6. On a result of ‘4+’ the healer will remove one permanent injury to the fighter. Any other result and the credits are gone, and no injury is healed.
Rogue Doc Shop: Per ORB.
Sea of Sludge: Your gang not only controls a portion of the Ash Wastes near a lovely sludge sea, they also have boats. When you collect income from this territory roll a d6. On a result of ‘1’ one of your randomly chosen fighters mysteriously disappears. The gang only finds his gear when they go looking for him. Immediately cross him off your roster and put his gear in your stash. Obviously, no income is collected. On a result of ‘2’ a randomly chosen fighter immediately takes a serious injury, no matter his number of wounds. Apply the result immediately. No income is collected. On a result of ‘3-4’ you collect 2D6 x 5 credits. On a result of ‘5’ you collect 2D6 x 10 credits. On a result of ‘6’ you collect 2D6 x 10 credits and a ‘free’ rare trade item that has a Rarity Value of 12. You may choose this item.
Guilder Contact: Your gang controls a guilder or traveling salesman or similar entity. In addition, each time that your gang obtains and sells a loot counter you may instead fence it through your Guilder Contact for an additional D3x5 credits over the standard D6x5 price.
Urchins: Your gang has a group of street urchins that you can send a fighter of your choice to coordinate. The fighter must make a leadership test. If the result is equal to or under his leadership then 2D6 Street Urchins will work the area for you. Each Urchin will collect D6 income for your gang. In addition, if the leadership result is a ‘2’ then the fighter spots a better than average Urchin and recruits them into your gang. You must add a Juve with a knife at no cost to your gang roster. If your gang does not have anything that is a Juve then you earn an additional D6x5 credits.
Ash Waste Territory Table
D66 Roll
Gambling Den: Per Necromunda Rulebook
Grifter: Your gang controls an area that has an old hovel used by a retired hired gun. The hired gun wants your protection. You must immediately choose one Hired Gun of your choice and keep track of him like a gang fighter. The Hired Gun will either pay you 2D6 x 10 credits for protection or will fight with you at no cost for one game. You must choose before generating income. Track all serious injuries to this hired gun and apply them. The Grifter may be worked after every game. You may not purchase any extra equipment, rescue, heal, etc. the Grifter as he is not a member of your gang. If the hired gun is captured or killed, then this territory reverts to an Old Ruins Territory.
Spore Cave: Your gang controls a spore cave. In addition, roll a D6. On a result of ‘1’ a randomly chosen Fighter contracts spore sickness and must miss the next D3 games. There is no cure, he will simply let the sickness run its course. On a result of ‘2-5’ nothing special happens. On a result of ‘6’ you find enough spores that three fighters in your gang can use any Gas Grenades of your choice!
Green Hivers: Your gang controls the area around a tube station, small landing strip, or other form of locomotion that typically brings hivers to the Ash Wastes. This is not a standard territory in a sense, you must first roll a D6. On a result of ‘1’-3’ no income is collected. On a result of ‘4-5’ you collect the listed income. On a result of ‘6’ not only do you collect the income, but also gets one free (at no cost) rare trade item with a Rarity Value up to 12 as well. Or you may roll to add one additional Territory (immediately roll once on this table).
The Wastelands Territory represents the area of the Ash Wastes that the gang has settled into for the moment. Each gang will have its own slice of the wastes. When you elect to work your Wastelands Territory, you can send as many Gangers (or subsequent Fighters who count as Gangers) from your Gang to Forage. When you elect to work your Wastelands Territory, you roll a D6 on the Wastelands Territory Chart below. This roll will affect all fighters sent to forage this turn:
Wastelands Territory Table
D6 Result
Territory Effect
The gang finds nothing of interest in this area of the Ash Wastes. Each fighter sent to forage will collect D6 credits from salvageable parts to edible plant materials to raw materials.
One of your fighters sent foraging finds a mineral outcropping and the rest of the gang searches the area. Each fighter sent to forage will collect D6 credits, but if a ‘6’ is rolled another D6 credits is rolled and added to the total. If a further ‘6’ is rolled another D6 credits is rolled and added until a result other than ‘6’ is obtained.
The foraging fighters happen on a colony of mutant animals. Each fighter sent to forage will collect D6 credits and will bring back animal meat to eat. This means that you do not have to pay any credits for any fighter to stave off starvation. However, the animals were mutants. You must roll a D6. On a result of ‘1’ a randomly selected fighter has gotten food poisoning and will automatically miss the next fight by going into recovery.
The gang happens on a caravan and raids it. All fighters sent to forage do not scavenge, but track, plan, and raid the caravan. The ambush will earn the gang XD6x10 credits worth of equipment, materials, food, you name it; where ‘X’ is the number of fighters sent to forage.
Follow the same Post-Battle Sequence as outlined in the Necromunda Rulebook.
There are two types of environmental effects out in the Ash Wastes. There are local, shifting wastes and the more drastic Treacherous Conditions. Shifting Wastes are not optional and must be used in all your games. Treacherous Conditions are optional based on what the players want to use.
Even though there are harsh treacherous conditions in the Ash Wastes, there are also always shifting winds, ash dunes, heat pockets, cool vents etc. no matter where you are. These are environmental conditions. No one is immune to these and no one can ignore them. Each game has the following
special conditions rules.
  • Shooting: The winds and shifting sands prevent gangs from maneuvering, posturing, and sometimes even from seeing their opponents. All shooting taken at a range of 36” or more suffers an additional -1 to hit.
  • Weather: At the start of each of their turns players must roll a D6. On a result of ‘1’ the weather shifts. Roll a further D6 to see what the new weather condition is.:
‘1-2’ The weather shifts to low light conditions. All shots suffer a ‘-1’ at 20” or less and all shots at 20” or more suffer a ‘-2’. This ‘-2’ replaces the ‘-1’ at over 36”.
‘3-4’ The weather shifts to extremely bright. Randomly select one table edge. All shots taken at that direction have a ‘-1’ applied to them.
‘5-6’ The weather shifts to total blackness. Ash and toxic chemicals swirl up all around the gangs. Apply the night conditions from the Blind Fighting Rules in FM4.
Outside the relative protection of the Underhive, the Ash Wastes are the most dangerous of places for people to live, yet, they still do just that, and some even manage to thrive. Survival for green hivers in the Ash Wastes is usually short, but those that are born to the Ash Wastes usually live longer. The ecosystem of the Ash Wastes has evolved over the millennia into its current form with the help of mankind. From slag wastes to hivers dumping things over their walls into the wastes, the Ash Wastes are most particularly scared by the early strip mining of the imperial settlers. The strip mining left huge areas barren, slag heaps where watering holes used to be, and corrosive materials were left wherever they fell. Necromunda’s natural weather patterns evolved into the great Ash Waste storms that are common everyday now. Massive ash dunes are interspersed with areas of completely flat ash plains kilometers wide. These areas are the least of a gang’s worries when they are racing to raid a caravan of goods. Even the simplest thing, clean air, is almost non-existent in the Ash Wastes and Ash Waste Denizens always have their respirators at hand. Windstorms change temperatures drastically, taken hot to cold and cold to hot or boiling to freezing in mere minutes. Some of these storms are not even wind or ash, but waves of sludge or chemicals sweeping across the landscape. However, the most terrifying of all the hazardous weather in the Ash Wastes is when a storm blocks out the sun. Many a ganger has never returned from the wastes when the lights suddenly go out.
Unlike games that are played in the Underhive, games in the Ash Wastes tend to have more treacherous conditions. To include Ash Waste Treacherous Conditions in your games in the Ash Wastes roll D66 and consult the Ash Waste’s Treacherous Conditions Table:
Ash Waste Treacherous Conditions Table
Treacherous Condition
Ash Condition: The ash surfaces are not always firm, level, or consistent. The ash may be sludge, uneven, moving, or shifting. Roll a further D6 below.
Conditions are normal
Thick Ash Layer: The whole area is covered with a hick coating of ashen sand. The thick layer means all fighters-on-foot move at half rate. All vehicles must roll a D6 at the start of each turn if they were stationary or moving at slow speed last turn. On a result of ‘1-2’ the vehicle may not move this turn as the wheels or tracks or legs struggle.
Uneven Surface: The ash in this area has settled unevenly with hard lumps and soft pockets throughout at random intervals. The driver has a hard time avoiding holes, ruts, and mounds. As a result, all shooting attacks made from moving vehicles are taken at an additional ‘-1’ to hit. This does not affect vehicles with Legs and Tracks as Drive Components
Quickash: Small pockets of quickash litter the battlefield. These pockets are completely hidden from view. Roll a D6 at the start of each fighter-on-foot’s and vehicle’s movement. If the result is a ‘1’ then the fighter of vehicle is stuck and may not move this turn but will break free in time to test again next turn.
Heat-Baked Ash Pan: The surface is baked completely hard in this area. This has no further effect on the game.
Wind Conditions: It is always windy in the wastes of Necromunda. It is constantly blowing up ash, swirling chemicals, and shifting Ash Dunes. Roll a further D6 below.
Conditions are normal
Strong Winds: The winds are shifting constantly and are becoming extremely difficult to move around in. Fighters-on-foot have their movement reduced by ‘-1’ this game. Vehicles continue as normal.
Swirling Ash: The winds are blowing up great clouds of ash and dust. The swirling ash and dust means that all shooting at long range has an additional ‘-1’ to hit penalty and all shoots over 36” are prohibited.
Heavy Ash: The wind picks up extremely quickly and thick clouds of loose ash are immediately thrown into the air. The ash cakes onto everything mechanical. All shooting is taken with an additional ‘-1’ to hit penalty. In addition, the dust and ash are so thick it can clog engine intakes and baffles. All vehicles must roll a 4+ on a D6 at the start of the game (or turn) or be immobilized.
Dead Calm: This is the worst wind condition of all. Ash Waste Denizens are always freaked out by dead calm conditions in the Ash Wastes. All fighters suffer a ‘-1’ penalty to their leadership for all leadership- based tests.
Ash Waste Treacherous Conditions Table
Treacherous Condition
Light Conditions: Light in the Ash Wastes is not controlled by glow-globes and halogen strips like it is in the Underhive. The Ash Wastes are a murky place due to the light of Necromunda’s sun being kept out by the thick ash, toxin gases, and corrosive materials stirred up by the numerous Ash Storms. The light of Necromunda’s sun that does penetrate the thick ash layers is burning to all since the ozone of Necromunda has long been replaced with the toxic ash wastes. Roll a further D6 below.
Conditions are normal.
Bad Light: Night is quickly approaching. Vision is reduced to 16”.
Darkness: It is night. Night in the Ash Wastes is not always fully dark. Use Blackout Conditions as described in the Necromunda Rulebook.
Radiation: A gap in the ash clouds allows deadly radiation through to the surface, burning it on contact. Roll a D6 for every fighter at the start of the game. On a result of ‘1’ the fighter takes a S3 hit with no saving throw allowed.
Changing: For the remainder of the game roll a D6 at the start of each turn on the Light Conditions Table (31-36) and immediately apply the result. Further results of ‘6’ are treated as result ‘1.’
Temperature Change: Vast pressure differences exist in the Ash Wastes. All the various chemicals react differently with each other and the natural hazardous of the Ash Wastes. The planet is superheated on the day- side and below freezing on the night-side. Roll a further D6 below:
Conditions are normal.
Heat Wave: The temperature has risen drastically recently. Boy is it hot, but that is nothing new. Continue as normal.
Freezing: The temperature suddenly has dropped to well below freezing levels. When you want to move a vehicle roll a D6 after declaring that you are moving. On a result of ‘1’ the vehicle moves out-of- control instead as the driver finds a patch of frozen ash. This does not apply to fighters-on-foot.
Baking Hot: The temperature has risen so hot everything seems to be bursting into flames. Fighters-on- foot must roll a D6 at the start of their turn. A result of ‘1’ means that they pass out and are pinned. Vehicles that move must first roll a D6 after declaring that you are moving. On a result of ‘1’ the vehicle has overheated and may not move this turn and will count as being stationary.
Ash Waste Treacherous Conditions Table
Treacherous Condition
Stormy Conditions: There is a storm brewing in the area of the fight. The Ash Wastes are notorious for their shifting, massive ash storms and toxic clouds. Most storms are so severe that they can be seen by up-hivers hundreds of kilometers away. Many a fighter has perished when forced to fight in an ash storm. Roll a further D6 below:
Storm’s Coming Angus: A really nasty storm is heading this way and it has already started to blow ash everywhere and rain toxins down everywhere. Each player must roll a D6 at the start of their turn. On a result of ‘1’ a storm wave blows through and no fighters or vehicles may move this turn. Shooting and hand-to-hand combat is continued as normal. The wave passes in time for the next player’s turn to start and they must roll for themselves.
Cyclone: As the two gangs approach each other a huge cyclone rips through the area, forcing up ash, raining down toxins, and forcing fighters to retreat. Each leader must take a leadership test after both gangs are set up, but before who goes first is determined. The leader that passed by the greatest amount may reset up his entire gang. Re-roll in the event of a tie.
Acid Rain: Acid rains down all over the area in waves. At the start of the game all fighters-on-foot must roll a D6. On a result of ‘1’ they suffer a single S4 hit causing one wound with no save allowed.
Chemical Rain: It is raining chemicals and toxins, but this is normal for the Ash Wastes. Continue as normal.
Toxic Rain: The chemicals and toxins are raining down heavily in this area and are mixing with the ash and other materials. Visibility is reduced to a maximum of 24” for this game.
Lightning Storm: This ash waste storm is a particularly bad one. Lightning is dancing off everything in the area. At the start of each player’s turn they must roll 2D6. On a result of doubles a vehicle has been struck by lightning. This vehicle is not necessarily the players who turn it is, so randomly determine one among all vehicles on the table to see which one is hit. A vehicle that is hit by lightning will automatically take a Strength 10 d6 Damage Hit onto the Vehicle's Hull.
Ash Waste Treacherous Conditions Table
Treacherous Condition
Miscellaneous Condition: There are a lot of miscellaneous things that can go wrong when you are fighting is the Ash Wastes. Here are a few that can hamper your efforts to destroy your opponent. Roll a further D6 below:
Ash Clams: The whole area is littered with Ash Clams. All fighters-on-foot must roll a D6 when they declare they are moving. On a result of ‘1-2’ they are held fast by Ash Clams and may not move again until they roll under their strength on a D6 at the start of the turn. They may shoot and fight in hand-to- hand as normal, but will be treated as a ‘down’ fighter if a vehicle attempts to run them over. This has no effect on vehicles.
Parasites: The Ash Storms have stirred up a nasty parasite in the area. Each player must roll a D6 at the start of each of their turns. On a result of ‘1’ a randomly selected fighter applies a ‘-1’ to their strength as they are eaten by parasites. Fighters that are reduced to a strength of ‘0’ are taken out-of-action. All strength penalties are removed after the game and have no further effect on the fighter, although, if they were taken out-of-action they will still need to roll on the serious injury table. Note: fighters on vehicles can be selected randomly by this, even drivers.
Effluent Flood: A massive chemical effluent pipe has burst in the area and floods the area. Each fighter and vehicle must roll a D6 after they declare they are going to move each turn. On a result of ‘1’ a fighter-on-foot will slip and slide and end up in the same location and a vehicle will be unable to find traction and simply be stationary this turn. Vehicles with Tracks and Leg Drives are unaffected.
Rad Zone: The area has too high of a radiation count for even the Ash Wastes. Each player must roll a D6 at the start of each of their turns. On a result of ‘1’ a randomly selected fighter succumbs to the radiation is taken immediately out-of-action. Note: Fighters on vehicles can be selected randomly by this, even drivers.
Pitfalls: The area is actually a dormant, or so you thought, flume area. Flumes of what you have no idea, but there seem to be pitfalls all over the place. Each player must roll a D6 at the start of their turn. On a result of ‘1’ a randomly selected fighter-on-foot or vehicle has opened up a pitfall. Fighters-on-foot must pass an initiative test or immediately be taken out-of-action. Vehicles and stationary vehicles are immediately removed from the board with all fighters on board as well. Any fighters taken out-of-action or vehicles removed from the board in this fashion must roll on the appropriate serious injury tables as well as have any fighters on board roll for serious injury.
The Mother of All Storms!!! The mother of all storms, or the perfect storm, whatever you want to call it, has crested the horizon is upon both gangs before they can react. The storm is intense and totally unpredictable. Roll a D6 at the start of each player’s turns below. In addition, if a new result is ‘Continue as normal’ then the previous roll still applies.
Roll on Ash Conditions (11-16)
Roll on Wind Conditions (21-26)
Roll on Light Conditions (31-36)
Roll on Temperature Conditions (41-46)
Roll on Stormy Conditions (51-56)
Roll once on each: Ash Conditions (11-16), Wind Conditions (21-26), Light Conditions (31-36), Temperature Conditions (41-46), and Stormy Conditions (51-56). Apply each of these results.
All the skills as described in the Necromunda Rulebook still apply in the Ash Wastes. In addition to these skills the denizens of the Ash Wastes have adapted to an alternative lifestyle to their brothers and sisters in the Underhive. The Ash Wastes revolves around vehicles and the imposing hostile environment that is the Ash Wastes.
The following are new skills lists:
Ash Waste Skills: The Ash Wastes are a harsh reality and its denizens are even hardier. Any fighter may take Ash Waste Skills. This class of skills may be rolled on when you gain a ‘skill’ advance and follows all rules for ‘skill’ advances in Necromunda Rulebook. When you select this skill category roll a D6:
  1. Headlong Leap: When this fighter gets into hand-to-hand combat on vehicles he is overwhelmed with ‘road rage.’ The fighter gains +1 to his initiative when attempting to board enemy vehicles and may choose who he fights if he successfully boards, even the driver.
  2. Gotcha: A fighter with this skill may leap from a moving vehicle onto an opponent that is on foot. The fighter may leap at any point in the vehicle’s movement at any enemy that is within 2” of the vehicle. The fighter does not take any damage from the leap and the opponent takes a single hit at the fighter toughness. If the opponent survives then the two models are locked into hand-to-hand combat and the leaper counts as charging in the first round.
  3. Play Chicken: If a vehicle attempts to run over a fighter with this skill, the fighter will instead stand his ground as the vehicle closes in and points a gun while grinning widely. If the fighter manages to jump out of the way, he may then take a free shooting attack at the vehicle. The shot is made immediately as the fighter dives away. He is still pinned but the shot is taken with all modifiers as normal.
  4. Looter: A fighter with this skill is especially good at scavenging the battlefield. If the fighter did not go ‘out-of-action’ then he takes D3X5 credits worth of valuables from the battlefield. These credits are profit and added directly to your stash.
  5. Play Dead: If a fighter with this skill is wounded and goes ‘down’ but not ‘out-of-action’ they may not be attacked by enemy fighters because he makes such a good job of looking like they are ‘out-of-action.’ If a fighter with this skill is actually taken ‘out-of-action’ then this skill has no effect since you are instead removed from play
  6. Tough as Steel: A fighter that is Tough as Steel is harder to wound. The fighter subtracts one from the strength of all attacks that attempt to wound him.
Boarding Skills: Battles in the ash waste mostly involve vehicles. The base concept is you need to take over your opponent’s vehicles. How do you do this? By boarding, of course! This class of skills may be rolled on when you gain a ‘skill’ advance and follows all rules for ‘skill’ advances in Necromunda Rulebook. When you select this skill category roll a D6:
  1. Iron Grip: This fighter is adept at grabbing onto a vehicle, even when being madly bounced about. If the fighter fails, his initiative test when boarding an enemy vehicle he may re-roll it. No matter the result, the second die result stands.
  2. Follow Me!: The fighter’s daring feats serve as a great example to his fellow gangers who will copy his effective boarding style. If the fighter successfully boards an enemy vehicle than any other friendly fighters have a +1 modifier to their initiative roll to board that vehicle while the
fighter is on board.
  1. Cling On: Despite the enemy’s best efforts, it is very difficult to throw this fighter off a vehicle. If the fighter is forced off a vehicle for losing a combat instead roll a D6. If the score is less than or equal to the fighter’s Strength he hangs on and is not thrown overboard. If the result is over his Strength he is thrown off as normal.
  2. Surprise Leap: The fighter is an expert at jumping onto a vehicle that tries to run him over. If the fighter successfully dodges a vehicle that is about to run him over he has instead jumped onto the vehicle and counts as charging. If he does not dodge then he follows the normal rules for being run over.
  3. Counter-Punch: Good timing is the key to repelling enemy boarders and this fighter has the knack for doing just that by throwing a punch at just the right time. If the fighter fights an enemy boarder on the first turn they board he gains a +1 to his WS.
  4. Grapple: The fighter is so dedicated to the gang that he will willingly throw himself off a moving vehicle and try to take as many enemy fighters with him as he can. At the start of any hand-to-hand combat on a vehicle the fighter may attempt to drag his opponent(s) off the vehicle. The fighter automatically falls off as if he’d lost a round of hand-to-hand combat. His opponent(s) must roll less than their Strength(s) on a D6 or they are dragged off with the fighter. All fighters fall D3” in random directions (roll a scatter die for each fighter, not all at once) and follow the same rules of Falling.
Crew Skills: As members of a crewed vehicle, fighters will gain the skills necessary to become an ever more effective member onboard. This class of skills may be rolled on when you gain a ‘skill’ advance and follows all rules for ‘skill’ advances in Necromunda Rulebook. When you select this skill category roll a D6:
  1. Tinkerer: When this skill is rolled up the model immediately creates a free piece of vehicle equipment. The cost of the equipment is still added to the cost of the vehicle. From now on after each game that this fighter does not go out-of-action you may nominate one piece of equipment. Roll a D6. On a result of ‘6’ he has created it. It still adds its cost to a vehicle. In addition, the fighter gains D6 experience. Items created this way may not be sold due to the jury-rigged nature of a tinkered item.
  2. Wrecker: A fighter with this skill can attempt to grab onto an enemy vehicle and slide underneath it to sabotage it. If the fighter successfully boards another vehicle he does not have to fight a crew member, but instead in each hand-to-hand phase he may attack one component, just as if there were no crew on board. Fighters on the target vehicle cannot attack the Wrecker but each time the vehicle turns he must roll equal to or under his Strength on a D6. If he fails he falls and is placed 2” behind the vehicle. He takes a ST 3 hit. Work out injury as normal.
  3. Roll Out: This fighter is very good at mounting and dismounting vehicles. Mount Vehicle and Dismount Vehicles count as Simple Actions.
  4. Gunner: The fighter is particularly skilled with the use of vehicular weapons. +1 to Hit with ranged weapons mounted on vehicles.
  5. Mechanic: The fighter reduces the cost of upgrading and maintaining vehicles by 5 credits. In addition, they may perform a simple action and Intelligence check to repair a Wound or Toughness Point of damage on any component of a vehicle.
  6. Dead Eye: When a fighter with this skill shoots at a moving enemy vehicle, he ignores any negative to hit penalties.
Driving Skills: Any fighter that is designated as a driver can take Driving Skills. This class of skills may be rolled on when you gain a ‘skill’ advance and follows all rules for ‘skill’ advances in Necromunda Rulebook. When you select this skill category roll a D6:
  1. Full Reverse!: The driver is especially skilled in driving in reverse. Driver can ignore the half movement penalty for vehicles traveling in reverse.
  2. Get Away Driver: The driver is well practice in loosing following vehicles. Evasive Maneuvers now count as Simple Actions for the driver.
  3. Demolition Driver: The driver has lots of experience with ramming his vehicle. All ramming actions count as Basic Actions.
  4. Emergency Stop: If the driver’s vehicle crash into scenery or collide with another vehicle then the driver may choose to make an emergency stop. Before working out the effects of the crash or collision the driver takes a Leadership test. If the test is passed the vehicle stops just short of the obstacle and no damage occurs but each fighter besides the driver must roll equal to or under their Strength on a D6 to remain on the vehicle. If a fighter fails then he is thrown D6 inches in the direction of travel and will follow the rules of Falling. If the driver fails the Leadership test the crash or collision is worked out as normal.
  5. Skid Turn: A driver with this skill may make one additional turn of up to 90 degrees per Activation.. A driver of a bike may make up to a 180-degree turn.
  6. Jink: The driver moves his vehicle sporadically, never being in one spot too long. Shooting attacks against the driver’s vehicle suffer an additional –1 to hit it. In addition, if the vehicle is going at ‘fast’ speed the driver gets a special save against all successful hits. Any successful hit can be ‘jinked’ on a Driver's Initiative roll.
Scenarios in the Ash Wastes are just like those in the Underhive, but they tend to be more dramatic, more explosive, faster due to vehicles, and sometimes have that movie-like quality of Mad Max. Because of the vast scale of Ash Wastes, battles rarely take place without one gang planning it out in advance, whether it is a raid, ambush, or general brawl. To represent this a few changes need to be made to some scenarios and some do not need any tweaking.
To determine which scenario players will be engaged in during a Road War campaign, roll 2d6 and consult the tables below.
Player with the Highest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
Players will play a Scenario from the Zone Mortalis Table
Players will play a Scenario from the Sector Mechanicus Table
Players will play a Scenario from the Rolling Road Table
Player with the Lowest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
Zone Mortalis Scenario Table
Player with the Highest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
Players will play the Tunnel Skirmish or the Trap Scenario
Players will play the Forgotten Riches or the Marauders Scenario
Players will play the Sneak Attack or Smash and Grab Scenario
Player with the Lowest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
Sector Mechanicus Scenario Table
Player with the Highest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
Players will play the Stand Off or Looters Scenario
Players will play the Ambush or Border Dispute Scenario
Players will play the Sabotage or Rescue Mission Scenario
Player with the Lowest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
Rolling Road Scenario Table
Player with the Highest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
Players will play the Road War or Convoy Assault Scenario
Players will play the Race or Road Block Scenario
Players will play the Trap or Double Cross Scenario
Player with the Lowest Gang Rating decides which type of Scenario to Play.
The following tweaks are needed to play the standard scenarios from the ORB:
The hostile environment of the Ash Wastes means that gang fights in the Ash Wastes can happen in desolate places to the hovels; or shantytowns; to the open road. The only modification to this scenario is the Rewards portion:
  • The battlefield includes d3+3 Loot Counters, which the players will alternate placing upon the battle field.
  • Use the same Loot Counters Rules as the Necromunda Rulebook.
  • Each Loot Counter is worth is worth d6*5 Credits.
The hostile environment of the Ash Wastes can mean that the ‘Horrors in the Dark’ in this scenario is not necessarily a monster, but could be an environmental hazard instead. The following modifications are made to the ‘Horrors in the Dark!’ in Forgotten Riches Scenarios:
Isolated Fighter: Only fighters-on-foot are affected by the ‘Monster Roll.’
From time to time all gangs in the Ash Waste have to set up their encampments. The Border Dispute Scenario as outlined in the Necromunda Rulebook needs some tweaking. Follow all the rules as listed in the Necromunda Rulebook, but missions should be as follows:
  • General: In general, both attackers and defenders must split their gangs up into one or more groups. Remember that a vehicle or beast does not count, but still must be allocated to groups.
  • Instead of Defiling a Relic, the Gangs are trying to hijack their opponent's vehicles. The attackers aim to ambush and ‘junk’ one of the defender’s vehicles. The target is chosen randomly and must be on the board at the start of the game. The attacker wins by hijacking the target vehicle.
    Despite the vast open spaces of the Ash Wastes it seems only logically that no one would be able to set up a decent ambush, right? Oh, how wrong. With the constantly shifting nature of the Ash Wastes, from the massive Ash Dunes to the tremendous variations in the landscape to the general harsh nature of the elements it is too easy to ambush caravans and traders in the Ash Wastes. Traps are easily hidden in the open and sometimes; even the hardened Ash Waste Nomads and Hive Prospectors forget that the dunes themselves can shift to reveal armored transports waiting to ambush them.
The only modification to this scenario is the recommendation (not requirement) that all defending gang members be mounted on vehicles and be facing the same direction to simulate going from point ‘A’ to point ‘B,’ as if they had just driven into an ambush.
This is the ideal scenario for a small band of traveling nomads. Rather than an all-out attack, Nomad gangs can sneak into another’s camp to try inflicting damage or disabling a vehicle.
  • In Sabotage, the defender chooses which of their vehicles is the target.
  • ALL fighters start on foot.
  • In addition, the attacker cannot use any vehicles.
  • The defender may only mount their vehicles the alarm is sounded.
    The Ash Wastes are not a forgiving place, nor are the denizens. Often times, fighters get left behind on mission, vehicles get captured, and beasts end up in encampments of other gangs. Even winning gangs can regroup and find out that a straggler was not picked up and another gang has their comrade. During real desperate times, a gang might need to liberate a recently commandeered vehicle, stolen by a rival. In these cases it may be necessary to mount a rescue to recapture what is rightfully yours.
    For scenarios taking place on a Zone Mortalis battlefield, no gangs may bring their vehicles into the fight. All fighters are on foot. No vehicles allowed of any kind. This is to represent an underground
bunker, collapsed dome, or some other subterranean region found in the Ash Wastes for the players to fight in.
To create the illusion of speed in rolling road scenarios, a few base rules need to be applied first.
Table Size: Due to the fact that you will be traveling great distances, or at least moving lots of terrain and maneuvering vehicles and beasts, it is best to play rolling road scenarios on a 4’x6’ or 4’x8’ table. 4’x4’ tables do not tend to have enough space.
Terrain: It is usually best to use wide-open terrain. This terrain will be moving, so it is usually best to use 6 to 10 pieces of terrain, at most.
Direction of Movement: Once terrain is set-up the direction of movement is selected. This must be in the direction of a short table edge. Once selected, the direction of movement will not change during the game. The direction of movement will always point away from the front edge.
Rolling Road Phase: At the start of each player’s turn, before anything Activations are made in the Action Phase, there is a special phase called the ROLLING ROAD PHASE. This is the first phase of the turn. Everything on the table, except vehicles facing in the direction of movement and who are traveling, is moved 6” down the table. This means fighters-on-foot, vehicles facing in different directions, terrain, everything. Only vehicles facing in the direction of movement, or up to 45- degrees to the left or right of it ‘keep up’ with the rolling road.
Action Phase: During the Action phase everything may then move as normal. Any vehicle may elect not to ‘keep-up’ with the table. Why would you do this you ask? Well, sometimes that rock outcropping just moves right at you and you might want to avoid it, or hit it, your choice.
Off the Edge: Fighters and vehicles that fail to ‘keep-up’ with the table and who are placed off the edge of the board by the Rolling Road Phase are considered to have gone out-of-action for bottle check purposes, but do not suffer any serious injuries or damage as they are just left behind. This is called the back edge. When scenery goes off the edge it is placed at the front edge, to signify new scenery. This way, you always have scenery as you speed through the Ash Wastes.
Experience: You will notice that Rolling Road Scenarios generate more Experience points than standard Necromunda Rulebook scenarios. This is the represent the intensity and steep learning curve of surviving on the open road. In the Ash Wastes, every day is a lesson on survival. On the open road during a Road War, exponentially so...
This is the classic skirmish that is often fought between rival gangs within the Ash Wastes. Both gangs mount their vehicles, head out into the wastelands, and then attack their enemies
Terrain: This scenario requires a board that is at least 4'x6' in dimension. Taking turns, each player places a piece of terrain. This scenario works best with 6-8 pieces of terrain.
Gangs: Both players will use their entire gangs in this scenario. Player sets up their gangs on opposing Table Edges up to 12” away from the edge.
Starting the Game: Both players roll a D6 to determine who will take the first turn. The player that rolls the highest takes the first turn.
Ending the Game: The game ends when all the opposing fighters on Out of Action or a gang Bottles Out.
Experience: The following are experience point awards for this scenario: Standard: The standard Ash Waste Experience Awards are applicable. +D6 Survives, +5 per Enemy Fighters Taken Out of Action, +10 Winning Leader:
Rewards: The winning gang earns an additional d6*10 Credits. The loser earns d3*5 Credits. In the case of a Draw, both gangs receive d3*10 Credits.
Reputation: +d3 Reputation for the Winner. +1 Reputation to the Loser. +1 Reputation if Gangs are fighting each other for the very first time. If any gang bottles out, -1 Reputation.
This is the classic ambush of an un-suspecting band of travelers in the Ash Wastes. One gang has waited for just the right moment to strike.
Terrain: This scenario requires a board that is at least 4’x6’ in dimension. Taking turns, each player places a piece of terrain. This scenario works best with 6-8 pieces of terrain.
Gangs: Both players will use their entire gangs in this scenario. The defending player sets up in the approximate center of the back short board edge, but no more than 12” on the board with all vehicles facing against the front edge. The defending vehicles have D6 loot counters spread out amongst them. The defender’s must be close together, with no more than 4” between fighters-on-foot and vehicles. The attacker then sets-up by placing his gang within 4” of either (or both) long table edges, but must be 12” away from any defenders.
Starting the Game: Both players roll a D6 to determine who will take the first turn. The player that rolls the highest takes the first turn. Remember, the Rolling Road Phase!
Ending the Game: The game ends when either the defender or the attacker exits the front table edge with all the loot counters or one gang bottles out. The defender is defending his livelihood and will not take bottle tests until he has taken 50% down or out-of-actions instead of the standard 25%. The road will only roll for 4+D3 turns in this scenario. Vehicles, beasts, and fighters-on-foot may exit sooner than this, but obviously they will be moving fast. This means that you do not have to get all the loot off at once and both the defender and attacker can split loot.
Experience: The following are experience point awards for this scenario: Standard: The standard Ash Waste Experience Awards are applicable. +D6 Survives, +5 per Enemy Fighters Taken Out of Action, +10 Defending Leader: If the defenders exit the front table edge with all the loot, the defending gang leader earns +10 additional experience points.
Special: Each one of the loot counters is worth D6x5 credits to the gang who is in possession of them at the time the game ends. Loot counters that are in the possession of a gang that voluntarily bottles out are forfeited to the winning gang, but if a gang bottles out by failing a bottle test then they keep whatever loot counters are in their possession. Naturally, loot counters that are unclaimed at the end of the game go to the winning gang.
Reputation: +d3 Reputation for the Winner. +1 Reputation to the Loser. +1 Reputation if Gangs are fighting each other for the very first time. If any gang bottles out, -1 Reputation.
The various drinking holes and gambling dens that thrive in the shanties and holesteads of the Ash Wastes are very useful for gaining information, be that through bribery or intimidation. In this scenario, two gangs have stumbled onto the same information and want to make use of it before the other can. Disposing of the other gang is sometimes an option when you find out an ore transport just crashed outside the shanty and you want to get there first to salvage it...
Terrain: This scenario requires a board that is at least 4’x6’ in dimension. Taking turns, each player places a piece of terrain. This scenario works best with 6-8 pieces of terrain.
Gangs: Both players will use their entire gangs in this scenario and all fighters must be mounted. Both players roll a D6. The player that rolls the lowest chooses one corner of the back edge of the table and deploys all of his vehicles within 8” of that corner. Once you have deployed your opponent then deploys all of his vehicles within the 8” of the other corner. All vehicles must start facing in the front edge.
Starting the Game: Both players roll a D6 to determine who will take the first turn. The player that rolls the highest takes the first turn. Remember, the Rolling Road Phase!
Ending the Game: The game ends when one gang moves all fighters off the front edge of the table. The road will only roll for 4+D6 turns in this scenario. After this the road stops moving, and movement is handled in the ‘normal’ fashion. The game will also end if one gang bottles out.
Experience: The following are experience point awards for this scenario: +D6 Survives +5 per Enemy Taken Out of Action.
Special: The winning gang claims 3D6x5 credits from getting to the find first.
Reputation: +d3 Reputation for the Winner. +1 Reputation to the Loser. +1 Reputation if Gangs are
fighting each other for the very first time. If any gang bottles out, -1 Reputation.
Parts of the Ash Wastes are isolated from the barren seas of sludge and massive ash dunes by tight passages and barely known routes. These routes may be ways to pass through drifting dunes of loose ash and chemicals or paths through sludge seas used to cross them. Enterprising shanty dwellers, nomads, or gangs will take advantage of these routes and set up toll camps around the narrowest parts of the routes and will charge huge fees to travelers. Occasionally, of course, there are those who just do not want to pay the toll.
Terrain: This scenario requires a board that is at least 4’x6’ in dimension. Taking turns, each player places a piece of terrain. This scenario works best with 6-8 pieces of terrain. Next, the defender places up to six barricades. These barricades are placed in the center of the table, but there must be a set path for vehicles to pass through, like a toll booth parse. Rolling Road rules are used in this scenario.
Gangs: The defender places his fighters first. He may deploy one of his vehicles and up to D6 fighters of his choice. These fighters and vehicles are the look-outs. They are placed anywhere on the board as long as they are within 2” of a barricade or another look-out. The defender then groups his remaining fighters on his vehicles. All his remaining fighters must be mounted. The attacking player then sets up half (divided as evenly as possible) of his gang within 4” of the back edge of the table, facing in the direction of travel, and at least 12” away from a long board edge. The attacker may choose which fighters and vehicles are used and which are not. Any fighters and vehicles not set-up now will enter as a second wave later. Before starting the game the attacker will have D6 loot counters that he must
divide up, as he sees fit, between vehicles that are set-up first or are in the second wave with at least once being placed in the initial placement.
Starting the Game: The attacker gets the first turn. Remember, the Rolling Road Phase, but not yet (see Busting the Roadblock below).
Busting the Roadblock: As soon as one of the attackers gets completely across the barricades the rolling road begins. The rolling road phases start on the next attacker turn. In addition, the defending player receives reinforcements to his roadblock.
Defender Reinforcements: Starting with the defender’s turn after the attackers break the roadblock, roll a D6 for each of the defender’s reinforcement vehicles. On a result of ‘4+’ that vehicle is brought in anywhere on the long table edge, but on the front table edge of the barricades. All defenders grouped on the vehicle come on the board mounted on that vehicle..
Attacker’s Second Wave: Starting with attacker’s turn after they have broken the roadblock, the attacker’s second wave enters during the movement phase from the back edge.
Rolling Road: Once the rolling road starts it will not stop until the game ends.
Ending the Game: The game ends when the attacker exits the front edge of the board with all the loot counters, or when one gang bottles out. Neither gang needs to take bottle tests until they reach 50% instead of the standard 25%. This represents the attacker making a determined push to get through the roadblock without paying and the defender wants his toll.
Experience: The following are experience point awards for this scenario: +D6 Survives +5 per Enemy Taken Out of Action. +10 Successful Defense: If the defending gang prevents the attackers from exiting with any loot then the defending gang leader earns +10 additional experience pints.
Special: Each loot counter is worth D6x5 credits. Any gang that bottles out voluntarily drops any loot counters that they did not get off the table edge. Any gang that bottles out as a result of failing their bottle check retains all loot counters that they got off the table edge and are in their possession. The winner claims all other loot counters.
Reputation: +d3 Reputation for the Winner. +1 Reputation to the Loser. +1 Reputation if Gangs are fighting each other for the very first time. If any gang bottles out, -1 Reputation.
It is not unknown for experienced gangs of nomads to lay extremely well-hidden ambushes and traps along trade routes and to simply wait somewhere for the trap to be sprung. This can take hours days and in some rare cases, weeks with the nomads waiting for the right victim to enter their trap.
Terrain: This scenario requires a board that is at least 4’x6’ in dimension. Taking turns, each player places a piece of terrain. This scenario works best with 6-8 pieces of terrain. Rolling Road rules are used in this scenario.
Gangs: Both gangs use their entire gangs in this scenario. The attacker deploys first. The attacker splits his entire gang up by secretly noting each fighter with a number. If he elects to he may place more than one fighter on a vehicle and in those cases, all the fighters are grouped together and given one number. The attacker then gets a bonus blank counter for each group or individual counter he has. He then places them anywhere on the board. The defender does not setup any fighters, but instead will start to move on in the first turn.
Starting the Game: The game starts as the defender moves onto the board from the back edge. It is
recommended that the defender start all of his fighters on vehicles because starting with the defenders second turn the Rolling Road Phase applies.
Ambush Counters: The attacker’s counters may be revealed in one of two ways: 1. The defender moves within initiative distance of the center of a counter (don’t forget to use scanners etc.) 2. The attacker voluntarily reveals the fighters the counter represents at the start of one of his own turns. Once revealed, all fighters are placed within 4” of the center of the ambush counter. Do not forget to move the counters along with the terrain during rolling road phases. Any unrevealed ambush counters that fall off the back edge are immediately placed at the front edge because the ambush area is just that big.
Rolling Road: The Rolling Road Phase continues for D6 turns after the last ambush counter is revealed.
Ending the Game: The game ends when the defender escapes via the front edge of the board or if one gang bottles out.
Experience: The following are experience point awards for this scenario: +D6 Survives +5 per Enemy Take Out of Action.
Reputation: +d3 Reputation for the Winner. +1 Reputation to the Loser. +1 Reputation if Gangs are fighting each other for the very first time. If any gang bottles out, -1 Reputation.
Nomads, Journeymen, Guilders, and other gangs are well known for their bartering skills. Everyone in the Ash Waste needs to know how to buy or sell something just to survive. Less common are illicit trades, bribes, and the occasional double cross.
Terrain: This scenario requires a board that is at least 4’x6’ in dimension. Taking turns, each player places a piece of terrain. This scenario works best with 6-8 pieces of terrain. Rolling Road rules are used in this scenario. Randomly determine the front edge.
Gangs: Both gangs use their entire gangs in this scenario. Each player creates a number slip for each of their fighters. Drivers are put together with their respective vehicle, but no passengers are allowed at the start of the game. Once all the slips are done they are placed in a hat or other suitable container and shaken up. Each player rolls a D6. Starting with the player that rolled the highest, take turns pointing to a spot on the board and randomly drawing and placing a slip on that spot, but not within 8” of table edge or 24” of the front edge. The last slip to be placed is given a loot counter. No slip may be closer than 2” to another slip of paper.
Starting the Game: Once all the slips are placed and the loot counter is assigned all the counters are flipped to reveal what they are. Once all are revealed and the corresponding fighter, vehicles, and beasts are placed a special Panic Fire Phase takes place. Each fighter immediately opens fire on the nearest fighter of the opposing gang, provided someone is in range, in the following order:
  1. All fighters armed only with pistols fire simultaneously.
  2. 2. All fighters with basic weapons (hand grenades) fire simultaneously.
  3. 3. All fighters with special weapons (grenade launchers) fire simultaneously.
  4. 4. All fighters members with heavy weapons fire simultaneously.
Panic Fire Phase: Panic fire results in a single shot and will requires a ‘6’ to hit, regardless of the fighter’s Ballistic Skill, skills, equipment, etc. Once the Panic Fire Phase is done, the gang with the fighter that had the loot counter goes first. Due to the intense nature of the Panic Fire Phase no nerve
tests are taken during the Panic Fire Phase.
Rolling Road: The Rolling Road Phase starts on the second turn of the game and continues to roll the entire game.
Ending the Game: The game ends when one gang gets the loot counter off the front table edge. Neither sides take bottle checks until it has taken 50% instead of the standard 25%, both sides know that Panic Fire Phase will be a blood bath, so fighters taken out-of-action in the Panic Fire Phase reduce your gang size for the game for determining when to take a bottle test. If you bottle out while in possession of the loot counter you will leave it to be claimed by the winning gang.
Experience: The following are experience point awards for this scenario: +D6 Survives +5 per Enemy Taken Out of Action.
+10 Loot Counter: If a fighter gets off the front table edge with the loot counter then he will receive 10 experience points. If the loot counter is on a vehicle then it must be assigned to a fighter before it leaves the table.
Special: The loot counter is worth 3D6x10 credits to the winning gang that captures it, either by getting off the front table edge with it or by claiming it as a result of failed bottle check.
Reputation: +d3 Reputation for the Winner. +1 Reputation to the Loser. +1 Reputation if Gangs are fighting each other for the very first time. If any gang bottles out, -1 Reputation.
For a Road War Campaign, use the exact same rules for Time Period, Injuries, Advancements, and Triumphs as a Necromunda: Dominion Campaign from the Original Rule Book.
S.D. “Snake” Plissken was a former Cadian Imperial Guardmans who rose through the ranks as a decorated war hero in the numerous conflicts of the Imperium. Eventually, he was promoted to the elevated ranks of the Tempestus Scions, where he further distinguished himself fighting for glory and honor of the Imperium.
Sometime later, he turned to a life of crime due to the perceived betrayal of the Imperial Government. He deserted the Imperial Guard, forsaking his oaths, and escaping to Necromunda: where his services were in high demand amongst the criminal underworld of the planet. Taking on the moniker “Snake”, Plissken engaged in numerous criminal operations, both as a leader and as an operative. During his tenure in crime, he worked as a mercenary, bounty hunter, and contract killer for all factions within the Underhive. With each exploit, his reputation in the Underhive grew as Snake Plissken eventually became a legendary figure of dread and respect amongst the denizens.
Unfortunately, treachery once again plagued Snake Plissken’s life when the nobles of Necromunda’s Spire heard of his exploits. Demanding his services, the noble houses coerced Snake Plissken into servitude. They did this through injecting genetically engineered viruses and poisons into his blood stream, providing the antidote only when contracts were completed. For a time, Snake Plissken did as the nobles demanded, but eventually he escaped their clutches and machinations. Once he did, he engaged in a stream of violent assassinations, seeking revenge on the nobles who enslaved him before
escaping into the Ash Wastes.
Snake is very cynical, due to the hypocrisy of Necromunda’s Government and is willing to do anything to survive. He is a misanthrope who is terse, stern in his speech, of few words, and holds nothing sacred or even important. He does, however, hold a loose code of honor. He is cool and level-headed under extremely stressful situations. Although he will kill without remorse or hesitation, he does not kill for fun or when it is unnecessary. He is also known for his quick wit and gallows humor. He now lives in the Ash Wastes, working as a bounty hunter and soldier for hire, offering his services to the highest bidder.
But client beware, while Snake Plissken’s services are valuable; many powerful individuals have tried to coerce Snake Plissken into service. All of which, have suffered the consequences.
Weapons: Autopistol (Man Stopper Rounds, Gun Shroud, and Telescopic Sight), Stubgun (with Dum- Dum Rounds), Fighting Knife, Frag Grenades, and Krak Grenades
Skills: Sprint, Rain of Blows, Infiltrate, Escape Artist, Fearsome, and Gunfighter Wargear: Filter Plugs, Strip Kit, and Mesh Armor
Special Rules:
Dead Not Alive, Claiming Bounties, and “We’ll Get Our Bit”

“I Heard You Were Dead”: Snake Plissken has a 5+ Invulnerable Save representing just how difficult it is to kill him.
I Though You’d Be Taller...”: Snake Plissken’s reputation in the Ash Wastes is beyond legendary. Between escaping from Maximum Security Prisons, gun fighting in the streets of Sump Town, assassinating Nobles, hijacking ships, and pulling numerous heists; Snake Plissken has carved an impressive notoriety amongst the denizens of Necromunda. To represent this, Snake Plissken givens a +2 bonus to Cool Checks for all fighters within 6” of him.
“Call Me Snake...”: Snake Plissken is notoriously anti-authoritarian, does not play well with others, and prefers to work alone. Therefore, players will need to pay 300 Credits to recruit Snake Plissken, unless he is subject to “The Name's Plissken” special rule.
“The Name’s Plissken...”: Snake Plissken has a tragic history of being coerced into cooperating with the people who hire him. Either through biodegradable explosives, tailor made biological weapons, or some other means; Snake Plissken can be coerced into working for the gang hiring him. If a player chooses to, they may recruit Snake Plissken for free, having found some inventive way to coerced into service.
However, if a player should fail the “We’ll Get Our Bit” special rule in the Post Game Sequence, Snake Plissken has found a way to circumvent his employers. Snake Plissken escapes, can never be rehired
by the gang again, and at the same time, kills a member of the Gang during his escape. The opposing player may choose which fighter is killed. The chosen fighter is deleted from the Gang Roster.
Maxine Rockatansky, known by her Ash Waste Handle “Mad Max”, is a wasteland legend whispered in a mixture of fear, awe, reverence, and respect in the Dust Towns and settlements of the wastes. Max’s world is fire and blood, a shattered soul who wanders the wastelands battling against scavengers in her endless quest to survive.
Once, Maxine Rockatansky was an Enforcer, one of the few who patrolled the Ash Gates and Port Cities just outside of Hive Primus. She was a road warrior, an inceptor who fought for a righteous cause bringing law and order to the chaotic Ash Wastes. That was until an Ash Nomad gang murdered her husband and child, smashing her soul and shattering her mind in the aftermath. She soon became a hallow shell of a woman, hellbent on revenge as she abandoned her position as an Enforcer. She stole her Main Force Patrol Pursuit Special and battled with the gangs, nomads, and outcasts of the Ash Wastes.
She began with hunting down and murdering the Acolytes, the Ash Nomads who murdered her family. From there she fought in countless Road Wars between roving gangs and Guilder caravans, serving as a mercenary for hire.
Her adventures took her to the edge of Barter Town, the Ash Waste settlement where she crossed a local Warlord. She is responsible for the destruction of the Slavers of Gas Town, liberated the chain gangs from the mercenaries of the Bullet Farm, and even ended the life of the legendary Immortal Joe, warlord of the Citadel; deep within the Ash Wastes.
Sometimes she fought for justice, defending helpless caravans against the innumerable raider gangs of the wastes. Other times, she hired out her services as a hired gun and wheel hand; acting as a mercenary. Regardless of her actions, Mad Max became a wasteland legend, an unstoppable force of nature who crushed all who stood against her.
To this day, she roams the open wastelands hiring her services out the highest bidder. She is often recruited alongside her Interceptor, a Main Force Patrol Pursuit Special that she drives with great skill and ferocity, and her equally legendary Cyber Mastiff, Dogmeat. The legend of Mad Max continues on in the Ash Wastes, and if you’re lucky enough to find her; think about adding her to your gang.
Weapons: Rockatansky Special Sawn-Off Shotgun, Fighting Knife, Frag Grenades, and Krak Grenades
Skills: Combat Master, Iron Grip, Roll Out, Get Away Driver, Demolition Driver, Skid Turn, Tough as Nails, and Berserker
Wargear: Photo Goggles, Respirator, and Mesh Armor
“She Lives Now, Only In My Memories...”:
Mad Max is a Wasteland Legend, whose legacy and
reputation is known throughout the Ash Waste. To represent this, Mad Max has a 4+ Invulnerable Save. “She’s Quick Aunty, Very Quick...”: Mad Max may re-roll any failed Initiative and Cool Tests.
“Touch those tanks and boom...”: Mad Max has three Kill Switches installed on her Interceptor. If an enemy fighter fails any of the Kill Switches to Hijack the Interceptor, they fall victim to a Melta Bomb Trap.
“I Was A Cop...”: Mad Max has two options when recruited. If hired for 200 Credits, Mad Max and Dogmeat are added to your gang roster. If hired at 500 Credits, Mad Max, Dogmeat, and the Interceptor are added to your gang roster.
“She’s The Last of the V8 Intercepts...”: Only Mad Max and Dogmeat may be the crew of the Interceptor.
“It'll be a shame to blow her up...”: If an enemy fighter falls victim to the Melta Bomb Trap due to a failed attempted hijacking of the Interceptor, only the enemy fighter is affected. The Interceptor is free from all damage or negative effects.
Savage Bite
Disarm and Melee
If the Dogmeat’s owner is a sentry in a scenario that uses the Sentries special rule, they can attempt to spot attackers even if they are not within their vision arc. In addition, the D6 roll to see whether a fighter is spotted has a +1 modifier (a natural 1 still fails).
Whilst Dogmeat is Standing and either Active or Engaged, and within 3" of its owner, enemy fighters may not make a Coup De Grace action against the owner.”
The Interceptor
Mad Max and Dogmeat
Hull: Medium
Extra Armor *2, Headlights, Tool Locker, Spare Parts Chest
Engine: Medium
Turbocharger, Thruster Tank, Kill Switches *3
Drive: Wheels
Spare Tires and Armored Tires
Weapons: Military Grade Ramming Prow
Hull Mounted
He is the law, the keeper of the Imperial Creed, and the terror of those who seek to betray it. He is Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Unbreakable, incorruptible, relentless, and merciless; Judge Joseph Dredd is the finest of the Adeptus Arbites Enforcers. He now patrols the cursed earth of the Ash Wastes bringing law to the lawless.
In the Underhive of the Hive Primus, the name of Judge Dredd is whispered in hushed tones and reverence amongst both law enforcement and criminals alike. Renown for being the pure embodiment of Law and Order, Judge Dredd patrolled the mean streets of Necromunda battling against criminals and corruption alike. To the common citizen, he is a beacon of hope and a paragon of justice. To the criminals, their greatest nightmare. Wielding his legendary experimental Bolt Pistol “The Law Giver”, Judge Dredd found, tried, and executed uncountable number of gangers, champions, prospects, juves, and leaders during the course of his career. He soon turned his attentions to the Great Houses, who often bankrolled the operations of the gangs.
Fearing his wrath and his incorruptible nature, Lord Helmwar and the other Great Houses conspired against Judge Dredd, stationing him alone in a single Main Force Patrol base deep within the Ash Wastes. There, the high lords of Necromunda hoped the lone Enforcer would come to a sudden and violent end.
But their plans failed, as his innumerable deeds of violence and justice swept through the Ash Wastes like a fire storm, cleansing the wasteland of all those who would prey upon the innocent. Today, Judge Dredd can be found patrolling the empty highways of the Ash Wastes astride his Law Master patrol Motorcycle, bringing law and order to the chaotic realms of the wastelands. If one should ever meet him, pray you are a law abiding one. For you will not live long enough to regret your past misconduct...
Weapons: “Lawgiver” Bolt Pistol with Gun Shroud and Telescopic Sight, Shock Baton, and Plasma Gun
“Law Giver” Bolt Pistol
Side Arm, Knockback, Rending, Gene-Locked, and Protean.
Skills: Impetuous, Nerves of Steel, Inspirational, Fearsome, Skid Turn, Tough as Nails, Fast Shot, and Berserker
Wargear: Photo Goggles, Respirator, and Light Carapace Armor SPECIAL RULES
“I am the Law...”: Judge Dredd may only be hired by Palanite Enforcers. He is a lawman, after all....
Patrol Duty: If Judge Dredd can be hired at 200 Credits or at 400 Credits. For 400 Credits, you recruit Judge Dredd as well as his motorcycle: The Law Master.
Gene-Locked: The Law Giver is a one of a kind Bolt Pistol created by the armorers of the Adeptus Arbites Enforcers, using technology from the Darkest Ages of the Imperium's Past. The weapon is Gene-Locked to Judge Dredd's DNA, meaning he is the only person in existence who may use the weapon. If anyone else dared to use it, the weapon would explode, engulfing the individual in a bloom of eldritch energy; leaving the Law Giver perfectly fine, resting upon a bed of ash. If for any reason, an enemy fighter tries to use the Law Giver, the Fighter automatically goes Out of Action, with a Memorable Death Injury! Judge Dredd can then use the Law Giver as normal.
Protean: The Law Giver is a one of a kind Bolt Pistol created by the armorers of the Adeptus Arbites Enforcers, using technology from the Darkest Ages of the Imperium's Past. The Law Giver has the ability to trans-mutate ammunition that Judge Dredd can use to meet whatever situation he might face.
For Judge Dread’s “Law Giver” Bolt Pistol, you may choose one of the Weapon traits each time he shoots:
  • Rapid Fire (2), Scattershot, Blaze, Gas (3”), Graviton Pulse, Shock, Melta, Concussion, Silent, Seismic, Rad Phage, Blast (3”), or Web.
  • Note: due to Judge Dredd’s Fast Shot ability, he may switch traits between shots during his Activation!
The Law Master
Judge Dredd
Hull: Small
Gang Paint Job, Head Lights, Trencher Claws
Engine: Small
Turbocharger, Thruster Tank, Kill Switch*3
Drive: Wheels
Armored Tires
Weapons: Harpoon Cannon with Chain Winch
Hull Mounted
Weapons: Grenade Launcher (Frags and Krak) and Bolt Gun (With Penetrator Rounds)
Twin Linked Hull Mounted
So, this is the Campaign Rules that I have created for my gaming group's upcoming Necromunda Campaign: Anarchy Road. Nothing in this document is official, and it is free to download from my Site for you to use with your own gaming group.
DISCLAIMER: I have not play tested this rule set yet, so if there are any strange or extreme situations that might arise from this campaign, I do apologize. If you disagree with any of the rules or want to change them, please feel free to do so.


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